Zoom in zoom out pictures

broken image
broken image

Tell the class you're going to zoom out on the image.

broken image
broken image

Ask the class what they notice about the image? Does it remind them of anything they've seen before? What might it be and why?ģ. Open the classroom view and show the first image up on the screen. Let them know that the activity isn't about random guesses and you'll be asking them to think carefully about each image before you move on to the next step.Ģ. Explain to the class they will be zooming in and out of some images – going in close and stepping back slowly. Try and discourage them from shouting out random guesses, as tempting as it is!ġ. Encourage your pupils to think carefully about each image at each stage before the final image is revealed. They're often familiar objects that children are likely to have seen before (although not at this level of zoom!) but sometimes they are completely unfamiliar objects and children have to call on all of their real-world learning to work out what it might be. Zoom In, Zoom Out activities consist of a series of linked images that start close up and pull back until the whole image is revealed.